I am in the countdown mode! RootsTech is this Thursday! I'm going to add a few tips of my own for this conference.
1st- I know everyone says to bring a different bag, and I agree with that. But I appreciated the over the shoulder strap. The first day last year, I brought a backpack, and I hated how hard it was to access. The expo hall gives you many papers and it is so much easier to put things in your bag when its over the shoulder. I think I might bring last years bag, so I can have the over the shoulder but it will look different.
2nd- You need to be able to drop off things. At either your hotel, or your car. I agree when everyone says that your bag magically gains weight throughout the day. That is why during lunch I drop my expo hall goodies in the car.
3rd- If you are a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, it is a great time to go visit the temple. The spirit is already strong after spending a whole day with your ancestors and going to the temple magnifies it and truly makes the trip better.
4th- Bring snacks, as a jr high student I understand how learning basically leaves you starving. By second period I always want a snack (lucky for me 2nd period is cooking class). Food at the conferences is usually expensive and if your hungry its much easier just to pull out a bag of fruit snacks.
5th- If you are joining RootsTech over the internet, than plan a place where you can have quiet. If you tried to watch it at my house you would constantly be disturbed :)
6th-If possible plan to come next year!!
5 more days till RootsTech!!!